pil pil
Povl Nielsen Toft
Mette Christensdatter
Niels Povlsen Toft
Magrethe Jensdatter

Mariane Thoft



Frands Lund

Mariane Thoft

  • Født: 10 Jun. 1795, Lindum , Viborg
  • Ægteskab: Frands Lund
  • Død: 13 Maj 1871 i en alder af 75 år

punkttegn  Generelle notater:

Det var Mrs. Schammer som rådede MAriane til at tage til Christiansfeld. Mariane giftede sig med Frands Lund som var skomager og senere

It was Mrs Schammer who advised Mariane to go to Christiansfeld. Mariane married Frands Lund who was a shoemaker and later an emissary from Broedremenigheden. He was born in 1775 and thus 20 years older than Mariane. They lived in Skjern for many years and had 3 daughters:

Georgine born 1831, Johanne born 1833 and Adamine born 1837.

Hi Paula,
I send you the daguerreotype of Frands Lund and Mariane Thoft with their three daughters. I don't know when it was taken, but my greatgrandmother was born in 1833. She is at the back to the right of Frands Lund. Her name was Johanne Rudolphine Sophie Lund and she married a baker in Christiansfeld called Mads Nielsen Grøndahl and had 5 children.Frands' youngest daughter Adamine Lund
went to Gnadenfrei, a Herrnhut town n the border of Poland and Slovakia or the Czech Republik. I have a letter from her to my grandfather dated 1917. In it she writes about her grandfather in Lindum and her greatgrandfather in Kirkehus. I have sent that to you earlier. The eldest daughter was Georgine. I don't know who is who in the picture apart from Mariane, Frands and Johanne. I have a drawing of Frands Lund that you can have later. It looks as if he is wearing a wig. My grandfather became bald already as a young man and my eldest brother suffered the same destiny.
I have taken pictures of the gravestones in Christiansfeld -
those that belong to the family. I you are interested I can send you some of them, too.
By the way, Frands Lund died in 1861 and Mariane in 1871. So both pictures must be taken in the 1850s.


Mariane blev gift med Frands Lund. (Frands Lund blev født i 1775 og døde i 1864.)

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